
Miles May Seperate…

As tiresome as it gets, today is another day that I have to thank Julien-K for. If you’re a frequent reader, you might get it. But these boys have really brought the best (and sometimes the worst) people into my life.

One year ago today, I was 3,000 miles away from home. One year ago today, I was living the best worst decision I had ever made financially. One year ago today I was living the life I wasn’t sure I had much time left to live.

April 8, 2009 I spent in Los Angeles, California. I flew on 3 different flights to spend 3 glorious days soaking in the west coast sun… just to see the first Julien-K show of the year.

It was there, outside, I met one of the BEST people to have ever come into my life. Since this day in 2009, we have truly become so close, and I love her so much.

We didn't NEEEED the Voska, but we used it liberally.

Melissa, my love, you are an amazing woman. It’s been a great year with you as my friend, even if the other crap sucked. I am eternally grateful I met you on that wonderful night. It is so thrilling to have someone like you in my life. Someone who cares about me, understands me, and yes, makes fun of me relentlessly. You, my dear, are the ying to my yang sometimes. The method to my madness, the voska to my sprite.

Happy One Year Friendaversary. I have a feeling in 50 years, we’ll be drunk on the beach, still remembering the day we met.

I should shut up…

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April 2010


