Archive for March 10th, 2010


(RED) is my favorite color

Have you ever felt the urge to help a charity, but didn’t quite know how? Ever felt that just shelling out money to support a charity was too impersonal, but lacked the time to actually get out and help? How about charity just… always ending up an afterthought? (RED) is the solution to those problems.

(RED) is a way to help those in Africa suffering and dying from AIDS, all without making a sacrifice. Instead of being a donor, a sponsor, or a donation, you can help just by being what you are every day; a consumer.

Companies such as American Express, Starbucks, Apple, Dell, and Converse release versions of their product or services that promote and support (RED). When you, as a customer, purchase those products or services, up to 50% of that purchase goes DIRECTLY to giving aid to African’s dying from this horrible epidemic.


  • Every single day, as many as 3,800 human beings die in Africa from AIDS.
  • AIDS is one of the greatest public health epidemic to hit the world.
  • With 2 pills a day, costing about 40 cents a day, an AIDS victim can extend their valuable lifetime.
  • A staggering 67% of the worlds AIDS population resides in sub-Sahara Africa. At 10% of the worlds population, that makes 22 million people, more than the population of Australia.
  • The amount of money (RED) provides towards AIDS relief in Africa, can provide medication for over 800,000 people for a single year.

The more consumers choose (RED) endorsed products, the smarter of a business idea it will be for companies to participate. The more products available, the more support goes to Africa. All without any additional cost to you, the consumer.

To browse companies who have partnered up with (RED) please visit their website: Check back often, as new partners and new products are unveiled frequently. Please, help these people.

Or else I might never shut up.

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That fancy banner up thar was made by BritishMindslave. Check out her art here on DeviantArt
March 2010


